Contact us: Joondalup 9300 2800 | Port Kennedy 9524 6144

The Sapphire Pools Difference

Fade Free Pool ColourGuard for your Fibreglass Swimming Pool

Superior Colour Retention

Available with Pool ColourGuard® surface technology, which resists the effects of UV rays and chemicals, providing superior colour retention.
Fade Free Pool ColourGuard for your Fibreglass Swimming Pool

Lifetime Warranties Swimming Pools

Lifetime Warranty

Extended Lifetime Structural Warranty – our commitment to providing extended warranties above those standard in the SPASA contract.
Pool ColourGuard Interior Surface Guarantee for your Fibreglass Swimming Pool

Precision Moulds for Fibreglass Swimming Pools


New designs are built using a 5-axis CNC router with computer-generated sculpting robotics ensuring precision moulds built to exacting tolerances. The edge beams are true, the shapes geometrically perfect and the surface finish is without peer.

Fibreglass Swimming Pools built with Superior Materials


All pools are manufactured using new generation, high performance, corrosion resistant, eco-friendly fibreglass with improved strength and stiffness. Our onsite gelcoat manufacturing facility means daily batching of materials for a better product. Only specialty materials are used – no general purpose products.

Quality Assured Fibreglass Swimming Pools


diff-qualityCertified to build to AS/NZS 1838 under license BMP No 520101. We are measured and tested by an authorised, independent auditor. Anyone can say they build to the Standard. For your peace of mind, always ask for a license number. We also comply to the ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

Anti-Microbial Protection for Fibreglass Swimming Pools


Microtech Anti-Microbial Pool Protection guards the pool’s surface against the growth of bacteria, making it exceptionally hygienic and safer for your family.

Fibreglass Swimming Pools with Superior Strength


Full sized structural ribs, fully supported steps and bench seating and a wider edge beam mean the pool is independently structural eliminating the need for secondary engineering. Graphene Nano-Tech® technology gives our pools 30% more strength.

Fibreglass Swimming Pools Made in Western Australia


All pools are individually made to order, to suit local conditions, at our Jandakot manufacturing facility, the largest and most technologically advanced pool production premises in Perth.